Establish Your Lead’s Opportunity Profile with aACE

Establish Your Lead’s Opportunity Profile with aACE

Knowing all of the information relating to a lead can be extremely helpful. Not only is keeping that information in a convenient location important, but also knowing a lead’s end goal and potential outcome can be vital to making a successful sale. Trying to remember all of these key components off the top of your head can spell disaster, especially if the lead is nurtured over a long period of time or if you’re managing multiple leads.

aACE’s lead interface provides space to record sales forecasting information for leads. With aACE, you won’t need to scramble to find and know your important information.

Interface Spotlight

You can review past interactions, monitor current steps, and forecast potential sales from the same screen: the lead’s detail view.

Opportunity information includes notes about who the customer is and expected milestones for the lead. This helps keep the lead organized and focused as time goes on.

The Goal and Likely Percent fields assist with sales forecasting. You can enter the dollar amount the lead will ideally produce along with an estimated percentage of winning the lead. aACE also helps you calculate the Likely percentage based on other “BANT” related information (i.e. customer’s Budget, Authority of the customer contact in the decision, customer’s Need, and anticipated Timing). The Tracking Status of a lead also affects the Likely percentage, giving your team an accurate end-result estimate.

aACE in Action: Using Opportunity Information to Produce Sales Forecasting Reports

Suppose a sales team member is working with a particular lead. This salesperson wants to create a report to visualize his sales pipeline for this lead. He enters all the current and important sales forecasting information into the lead’s Opportunity section.

Using aACE’s robust reporting features, the sales member prints a sales forecast report for his lead. aACE pulls important data from the lead and compiles the report, including the Likely percentage, the lead’s goal, and other dates and priority information.

Noting and storing opportunity information is just one way aACE can help you track and manage your team’s leads. To read more about sales topics, see Create and Foster Customer Relationships with aACE’s CRM App.

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