Elegant Solutions for Complex Business Challenges
Founded in 2002, Avant-Garde Information Solutions, Inc. (formerly Avant Garde Information Solutions, LLC), dba aACE Software, was started by a team who came together while working at one of midtown Manhattan’s premier creative agencies. The agency required a cross-platform, end-to-end business management solution. Importantly for a company consisting of artists and designers, it also needed to be easy to use and pleasing on the eyes. This unique challenge formed our approach to software development and was ultimately the inspiration for aACE.

Chapter 1 (2002 - 2009)
We originally founded the company as a consultancy. During these first years, we developed applications used by major organizations such as UNICEF, McGraw-Hill, and Coca-Cola, as well as smaller companies in New York City. We recognized that we were frequently re-building many of the same tools (e.g., address books, purchase order modules, etc.). In order to save ourselves time and our clients money, we began developing a set of templates for a starting point we could customize.
Our consulting practice essentially ceased during the Great Recession—almost overnight, nearly every major corporation quit spending money. However, by this time our set of templates had grown into a product that could stand on its own. With reduced consulting opportunities, we decided to concentrate our time and resources exclusively on the product. Our goal was to release an affordable ERP solution that could help the many small businesses struggling throughout America.
Chapter 2 (2010 - 2016)
During the next chapter of our history, we worked hand-in-hand with dozens of small- and medium-sized businesses across a wide range of industries, from heavy manufacturing to professional services. This close collaboration—where our most senior developers gathered insight from even our clients’ least experienced personnel—helped create functionality that truly sets the product apart. We’re proud to say our design process didn’t rely on whiteboards and theories, but on feedback from our users.
This customer-centered product evolution is apparent in the attention paid to details in navigation, searching, error messages, logging, and interface design. Our clients often thank us for a system that is so pleasant to use. However, a lot of credit is due to the hundreds of users who have worked with us to craft the best possible business management software for Mac and PC.

Chapter 3 (2017 - Present)
aACE version 5, the culmination of over a decade of research and development, marked the start of our next chapter. aACE is truly an avant-garde solution in the business management software space: an accounting, CRM, and ERP solution that is full-featured yet attractive, powerful yet pleasant to use, and affordable yet flexible.
aACE 6, released in 2023, takes that vision even further with a product that is faster, sleeker, and more accessible than ever. Our clients report greater visibility, accuracy, and velocity–resulting in improved employee morale, customer satisfaction, and a healthier bottom line.
We’re excited to share our work with you. Contact us for product information, company information, or to inquire about becoming a development partner or reseller. Be a part of our story.